Skolen i Sydhavnen er på forsiden af novemberudgaven af RIBA Journal.

Inde i magasinet skriver senior editor Jan-Carlos Kucharek om Københavns nye maritime og naturvidenskabelige profilskole, som han besøgte i forbindelse med den første udgave af Rising Architecture Week.

Kucharek fremhæver blandt andet skolens dobbelte funktion: at den både er en del af byen samtidig med at indeholder læringsrum, der er skræddersyede til at imødekomme elevernes læringsmæssige og sociale behov:

“JJW’s clear formal strategy is consistent throughout. It set itself two distinct tasks. The first was to create a space that could double at ground and first floor level as a form of extended urban realm running from the ‘city’ side of the building, through the double-height entrance area to the harbour side. The second was to generate learning spaces on the upper three ‘school’ levels that are specifically tailored to the social and educational needs of the primary, junior and middle school pupils”


Skolen i Sydhavnen er Årets skolebyggeri

Derudover forklarer Kucharek, hvordan de varierede rumligheder og indbyggede kontraster på Skolen i Sydhavnen fører eleverne ud på en oplevelsesrejse:

“These grand, open spaces are counterpointed throughout by more private niches, some overlooking the echo-filled atrium allowing protected views, others tucked behind the banks of loos, acoustic panels deadening sound almost to a whisper. Internal rough timber slats, cartoon characters partially hidden behind perforate aluminium ceiling panels and lines from Hans Christian Andersen glimpsed beyond the recycled aluminium vertical profile rainscreen cladding, add to the visual and auditory stimuli that the architect intends as part of a bigger experiential journey of discovery over time.”

Læs “It’s a little bit frightening” på RIBA Journals hjemmeside  




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